
1-9 of 12 results
  • Addison Creek Restoration

    Transforming a degraded urban waterway into a wildlife oasis.
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  • BNSF Pedestrian Underpass

    Providing a safe link under at-grade train tracks for pedestrians to access the downtown district.
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  • Buffalo Creek Stabilization

    Stabilizing stream banks to protect homes and reduce future erosion.
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  • Chestnut Alley Improvements

    Constructing a permeable paver alley and upgrading a pump station to reduce severe residential flooding.
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  • Chicago Avenue/Sheridan Road Improvement Project

    Implementing multi-modal traffic safety improvements in busy suburban downtown.
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  • Des Plaines River Trail Segment 3

    Improving the usability of the Des Plaines River Trail by reducing trail flooding and providing a safe crossing of Lawrence Avenue.
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  • Post 5 Lift Station Improvements

    Upgrading municipal water infrastructure to include a 300,000 gallon underground storage system.
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  • The Cornell Building, South Church & Mill Street Improvements

    Redeveloping an historic building to a centerpiece of downtown investment.
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  • Transmission Main Route Study

    Installing three miles of transmission main that allowed Lincolnwood to transfer to a new wholesale water provider and save money.
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