
1-10 of 17 results
  • Randall Road at Hopps Road Intersection Improvement

    Increasing roadway capacity, improving intersection safety and providing route continuity.
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  • Hart Ditch Improvement

    Creating flood storage, restoring habitats and stabilizing stream banks.
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  • West Side Neighborhood Storage Project

    Installing more than 14 million gallons of underground stormwater storage to provide flood protection for 98% of residents.
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  • Lincoln Park North Pond Restoration

    Designing the restoration of North Pond in historic Lincoln Park, including dedging, shoreline restoration and habitat revival.
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  • Des Plaines River Trail Segment 3

    Improving the usability of the Des Plaines River Trail by reducing trail flooding and providing a safe crossing of Lawrence Avenue.
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  • Nicholas Dowden Park Flood Control Project

    Installing more than nine million gallons of underground stormwater storage to provide flood protection for nearly 500 homes.
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  • Central Street/Central Park Avenue Traffic Signal Modernization Project

    Modernizing traffic signals and implementing infrastructure improvements.
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  • Harger Road Lift Station

    Improving regional water infrastructure to improve safety when conducting maintenance
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  • Addison Creek Restoration

    Transforming a degraded urban waterway into a wildlife oasis.
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  • Main Street Streetscape

    Improving the usability of the Des Plaines River Trail by reducing trail flooding and providing a safe crossing of Lawrence Avenue.
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