
1-10 of 12 results
  • Randall Road at Hopps Road Intersection Improvement

    Increasing roadway capacity, improving intersection safety and providing route continuity.
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  • Re-establish Crystal Creek Project

    Developing alternatives to improve failing flood sewers.
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  • 143rd Street Improvements Project

    Providing congestion relief and multi-modal accommodations throughout the 143rd Street corridor.
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  • Addison Creek Reservoir

    Working with the MWRD to reduce flooding in communities along Addison Creek.
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  • Plainfield Road and Woolley Road Traffic Signal Installation

    Designing new traffic signals, installing ADA-compliant crossings, and adding pedestrian safety features.
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  • Traffic Signal Modernization

    Evaluating more than 50 Chicago intersections for traffic signal improvements.
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  • Copeland Manor Flood Reduction Project

    Reducing flooding by improving the municipal storm sewer system.
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  • ISW 47th St & Ashland Corridor Improvements

    Implementing corridor-wide enhancements in the Back of the Yards neighborhood.
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  • Crawford Avenue Reconstruction

    Developing alternatives to improve road usability for motorized and non-motorized traffic.
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  • Harger Road Lift Station

    Improving regional water infrastructure to improve safety when conducting maintenance
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