Service Overview

Unique Service

CBBEL’s Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Department provides a wide range of unique services in both the mechanical and electrical disciplines. Our staff is committed to providing energy efficient solutions to meet the power requirements of today’s public works projects and incorporates green technologies to meet or supplement those energy needs.

Broad Experience

Typical projects involve water pumping, storage, distribution/collection, damming, regulation and diversion. CBBEL staff’s experience includes designs for potable, sanitary, and stormwater pumping facilities including emergency generators for standby power; pump/lift station design; water main design and water system modeling; emergency standby power generator design; SCADA systems; sewer and force main design; comprehensive lighting studies and roadway lighting design; sports lighting; sports field and landscape irrigation; building MEP design; restroom/storage buildings for recreational facilities; and water storage tank design and painting.

Mechanical & Electrical Projects

Services List

  • Building plan drawing reviews
  • Emergency standby generators
  • Energy audits
  • Equipment upgrades and retrofits
  • Landscape irrigation design
  • Mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) design
  • Potable water storage and distribution 
  • Pumping applications
  • Sewer systems/lift station design
  • Street and outdoor lighting
  • Water distribution system modeling
  • Water tank painting specifications
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