US Route 34 Traffic Signal Feasibility Study

Project Overview

Evaluating the effectiveness of roadway signals at high-traffic intersections

  • Agency Coordination
  • Feasibility Study
  • Traffic Counts
  • Traffic Operations

CBBEL performed a traffic signal feasibility study for the Village of Oswego to evaluate if the intersections of US Route 34 at Harrison Street and at Main Street met traffic signal warrant requirements set out in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The goal of the study was to determine if traffic signal installations were warranted at each intersection.

CBBEL conducted field research to verify the existing conditions, determine adjacent land uses and observe existing traffic operations, particularly during peak hours. Using the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, the CBBEL team also developed projected traffic volumes that took into account new and future developments along Route 34 and coordinated with the Illinois Department of Transportation to obtain approval of the traffic signal warrant study.

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