Stormwater Master Plan
Project Overview
Identifying the source of flooding, including drainage issues and storm sewer bottlenecks
Algonquin, IL
Village of Algonquin
The Village of Algonquin is working with CBBEL to develop a village-wide Stormwater Master Plan to identify drainage problems and storm sewer bottlenecks, as well as develop concept flood reduction projects. The proposed drainage improvements in this Master Plan can be incorporated into the Village’s current infrastructure projects, green infrastructure and long-term capital improvement projects.
CBBEL developed hydrologic and hydraulic models for 22 Flood Study Areas and designed drainage improvements that provide a minimum 10-year level of service in the storm sewer and provide a level of flood protection up to the 100-year design storm event.
The methodology for analyzing the storm sewer system for the Master Plan included a review of the Village’s comprehensive GIS database of the storm sewer system, as-built drawings, meetings with Village staff, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of the existing drainage system, identification of system limitations and development of proposed drainage improvements.
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