Post 21 Potable Water Booster Pump Station

Project Overview

Designing and installing a prefabricated booster station to increase water pressure.

  • Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
  • Stakeholder Outreach
  • Construction Management
  • Electric Service Coordination

The Village of Tinley Park owns and maintains Post 21 Potable Water Booster Pump Station located on 179th Street, between 88th Avenue and Elmwood Drive. The Village engaged CBBEL, Airy’s, Inc. (contractor) and Metropolitan Industries (manufacturer) to design and construct the Post 21 Pump Station.The project design began in 2022, and construction was completed in 2024. The contract delivery method used was design-bid-build and funded with a Village bond.

The work consisted of furnishing and installing:

  • An approximate 60’ x 16’ prefabricated potable water booster station building with two 500 gpm pumps and two 2,000 gpm pumps complete with electrical controls, piping, valves, flow meter, HVAC, lighting and chlorine sampler.
  • A 200 kW diesel fueled standby generator to supply electrical service during utility power outages.
  • Street access, vehicle parking area and landscaping.
  • Precast concrete pressure sustaining valve vaults at three locations within the Village.
  • Water main valves and piping to route potable water to the booster pump station from an existing 20” watermain.

Project Photos

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