Des Plaines River Trail Segment 3
Project Overview
Improving the usability of the Des Plaines River Trail by reducing trail flooding and providing a safe crossing of Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL
Construction Cost
$7.3 million
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Segment 3 of the Des Plaines River Trail, which stretches from Bryn Mawr Avenue to Lawrence Avenue, suffered from frequent flooding and a lack of pedestrian accommodations and street crossings.
The CBBEL team designed improvements to the trail, including placing more than 1,000 feet of the trail on boardwalk, shifting the trail to reduce the likelihood of flooding and, significantly, realigning the trail east for a pedestrian bridge over Lawrence Avenue. A 10-foot wide paved connection trail was constructed along the north side of Lawrence Avenue and traffic signals were modernized with pedestrian signal heads and ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps.
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