Crawford Avenue Reconstruction

Project Overview

Developing alternatives to improve road usability for motorized and non-motorized traffic.

  • Phase I Engineering
  • Bike Lane
  • Roadway Reconstruction
  • Stakeholder Coordination
  • Topographic Survey
  • Traffic Signals

Lane use on Crawford Avenue in the Village of Skokie was poorly defined, resulting in confusion and often unsafe conditions. CBBEL worked with the Village of Skokie to improve the usability of Crawford Avenue for both motorized and non-motorized traffic, completing a Phase I Study that evaluated several alternatives for improvement.

A key goal of the project was to clearly define the lane use to meet the needs of all modes of roadway users. Our team combined engineering analysis and stakeholder input for an alternatives evaluation that was presented to the Village, Cook County and State of Illinois to determine the best proposed improvement plan.

The proposed roadway section is a through-lane, a bike lane and a parking lane in each direction, separated by a landscaped median. The lane configuration at the higher traffic volume intersections (Oakton Street, Dempster Street and Golf Road) is two through-lanes, to allow for higher capacity.

The Phase I Study was completed as a joint effort between the Village and Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways. 

Project Photos

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