Service Overview

Creative Vision

Successful environmental planning and permitting requires creative vision to develop suitable alternatives and engineering skills to bring a renewable project to fruition.

Experienced Team

CBBEL’s comprehensive team of professionals have years of experience providing environmental planning and permitting throughout Illinois and understand the need to make informed business decisions based on a cost-effective, technically sound, fast-paced approach. Our 15-person renewable energy team has six Equity Eligible People (EEP) as designated by the State of Illinois. 

Strong Relationships

The CBBEL team’s relationships and detailed understanding of applicable regulations are critical for success in entitling a renewable energy project. We have strong connections with local and state regulatory staff that help improve due diligence and receive faster approvals, and we understand local and state regulations that help us work diligently through the entitlement process.

Renewable Energy Projects

Services List

  • Wetland and waters delineations
  • County/municipal wetland, waters and stormwater permitting
  • Coordination with government agencies on threatened/endangered species
  • Wildlife, tree and floristic surveys
  • Site investigations
  • Field Tile Survey coordination
  • Landscape architecture, native planting and seeding plans
  • Civil, structural, environmental and water resources design and permitting
  • Native vegetation maintenance and monitoring plans
  • Entitlement coordination, application preparation and meeting attendance
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